What is a Solopreneur?
A solopreneur is a person who strikes out on their own to start and operate a business – without the help of any partners or employees. They handle all aspects of the business themselves – from the planning, management, marketing, sales, and financial duties. What typically drives them to become a solopreneur is the autonomy and flexibility that it brings; on the other hand, they are solely responsible for the success (or failure) of their business.
So, you may be thinking, “What is the difference between a solopreneur, freelancer, and entrepreneur?” There are similarities among the three, but there are also distinctions in terms of the approach to their work and the nature of their business.
While solopreneurs and freelancers both operate independently, solopreneurs typically have a broader business perspective, handle various business aspects, and may aim for long-term growth. Freelancers, in contrast, are often more project-focused, providing specialized services on a more temporary basis. It’s worth noting that the terms solopreneur and freelancer are sometimes used interchangeably, and individuals may define their work based on their own preferences and business models.
As for what sets a solopreneur apart from an entrepreneur, the differences are more obvious. Many entrepreneurs may indeed begin their journey as a solopreneur, but then they take the next step into building a scalable business. This often involves partners, investors, and employees, financial responsibilities such as payroll, insurance, and investor ROI, as well as significant risk-taking.
The Greater Cape Ann Chamber membership mainly consists of all three of the above business models (with only a small percentage being large businesses). For this series of member profiles, we are going to focus on the solopreneur. We will be talking to members who consider themselves in the solopreneur niche, learn about their business, what drove them to start their own business, the challenges they face, the advice they can give to others just starting on the solopreneur path, and where they see their business going in the future.
For consideration to have your business profiled, please fill out the form at https://form.jotform.com/240133772746053 . After your form is received and we confirm that your business meets the criteria, a detailed interview questionnaire will be forwarded for timely completion.