2025 Promotional Opportunities

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities to Promote Your Business!

The Greater Cape Ann Chamber offers several opportunities to advertise your business within the greater Cape Ann region and beyond.

Member Paid Eblasts

The Greater Cape Ann Chamber now offers members the opportunity to reserve space in a once weekly advertising eblast, to be sent on Monday each week.

The paid eblast is limited to one advertiser per week. The cost per eblast is $199. To start, members may book a maximum of one paid eblast every two months (this may change depending on demand).

Eblast Ad specifications:

Format: Ads must be images (no text ads). Acceptable file formats are JPG or PNG files at 300 DPI

Ad Size: Width: 600 pixels; Height: 300 to 900 pixels

Artwork Due Date:  5 days before the scheduled eblast (i.e., Wednesday prior)

Greater Cape Ann Guide &

Membership Directory

The Greater Cape Ann Guide and Directory provides local businesses with a powerful promotional tool. Laid out in a magazine style with over 110 pages, the Guide is a beautiful piece for visitors and locals to enjoy and refer to for business information and event listings.

Greater Cape Ann Map &

Area Attractions

The beautifully designed Greater Cape Ann Map provides business listings and display ad options. 110,000 copies are printed and distributed throughout Cape Ann and beyond. Also available as a digital copy on all Chamber related websites.

Rockport MA Map

Rockport Map &

Visitor Guide

Full color Rockport map includes highlights of Rockport, calendar of events, and display ads. 75,000 copies printed and distributed throughout Cape Ann and beyond. Also available as a PDF online.

Soundings Event

Soundings Newsletter

Every week, the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce publishes two editions of SOUNDINGS, an email newsletter sent to over 1,500 subscribers. Three advertising opportunities are available for members. All ads are included in at least 5 newsletters a month and include a link to a business website or social media page

Website Advertising

Get enhanced digital reach by advertising on one or all three of the Chamber websites: capeannchamber.com, capeannvacations.com, and rockportusa.com.

Cape Ann Dancers


Signature Events include both large scale public events and smaller member-driven events that offer great exposure to your business. Tiered sponsorship levels are available for all Signature Events. In addition to over 15 annual Signature Events, the Chamber and its various committees also host a wide variety of networking events, such as Business After Hours and Businesswomen's Mixers.

Our Member Services Manager is available to help you Get Noticed! Please contact Becca at 978-283-1601 or becca@capeannchamber.com for assistance.