Major Steps Include Hosting Seminars on Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit and Adoption of Successful Amendment Increasing the Amount of Work-Off Program
Boston – State Senator Bruce Tarr is taking steps to ensure seniors get the maximum benefit from the recently passed tax relief bill An Act to Improve the Commonwealth’s Competitiveness, Affordability, and Equity, which included approximately $1 billion in tax cuts, with savings for seniors, businesses, families, and renters. Tarr relentlessly championed the passage of the package, which doubled the Senior Circuit Breaker tax credit. He also amended the bill to increase the allowable Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program tax credit by $500, taking it from $1,500 to $2,000.
Now, in the midst of tax-filing season, Tarr is partnering with the Department of Revenue’s (DOR) Brian Lynch on facilitating a series of local seminars to help seniors take advantage of these increased benefits.
“Our Seniors continue to face the high costs of living in Massachusetts, made more difficult by inflation,” said Tarr. “We need to not only act to provide them with tools for relief, but also to assist them with taking advantage of those tools.”
“Thanks to bipartisan work on Beacon Hill, these tax cuts help older Massachusetts residents and their families have increased financial security,” said Mike Festa, State Director of American Association of Retired Persons Massachusetts. “These measures allow people to age with dignity in their own home and community where we know they want to be.”
Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Relief Seminars
The Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Relief program is specifically designed to provide significant financial relief for senior citizens aged 65 or older by December 31 of the tax year. The Senior Circuit Breaker tax credit is a refundable credit available on the Massachusetts personal income tax return, based on actual real estate taxes either paid directly or through rent for the principal residence.
As of the tax year 2023, eligible seniors can claim a maximum credit amount of $2,590. Notably, if the credit owed to a senior exceeds the total tax payable for the year, the taxpayer will be refunded the additional amount of the credit without interest.
“By increasing the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Relief tax credit, we aim to alleviate the financial burden associated with property taxes and ensure that our seniors, many of whom are on a fixed income, can stay in their homes, as they continue to navigate the rising cost of living in Massachusetts,” said Tarr.
“Mr. Lynch has worked with us for several years and has been quite informative as he describes in detail this senior tax credit,” said Mary Ann Nay, Senior District Director for State Senator Bruce Tarr, who has been coordinating these seminars. “His discussion will include eligibility and qualifying criteria, how to calculate one’s circuit breaker tax credit amount, and how to file and receive the refundable credit through the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.”
These sessions are taking place at local Councils on Aging across the region on Wednesday, March 6th and Thursday, March 7th in the following communities: Boxford, Georgetown, Gloucester, Ipswich, North Reading, and West Newbury.
Tarr’s Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program Amendment
As part of the tax relief package, Tarr’s amendment increased the tax credit for eligible seniors by allowing a municipality to increase the limit from $1,500 to $2,000 within the Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program. The Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program, available to individuals aged 60 or older, provides eligible participants with a chance to contribute to their community while receiving property tax relief.
The Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program works in the following way:
- Municipalities establish and approve program requirements (this varies based on each municipality)
- Qualified homeowners reduce their property tax bill by volunteering for community service
“The Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program not only eases the financial burden for our seniors, but also encourages them to stay active and involved in our community. It’s a win-win situation that fosters a sense of belonging and purpose for our elderly residents,” emphasized Tarr.