At the Council’s most recent meeting on February 9, Ken gave an update on Chamber Economic initiatives, including ongoing participation on Gloucester and Rockport reopening advisory committees, respectively. He also reported that the Chamber continues to provide weekly COVID-19 business and community updates in Soundings and that we are closely monitoring and sharing updates on the state’s vaccine distribution planning and implementation.
In other business, Council member Michele French reported on the town of Essex’s entertainment license policy and Ken updated the group on the North Shore Blue Economy work. Economic updates were shared from each of community as planned businesses reopenings, proposed 40B Project in Manchester, and the public safety situation in Rockport.
Policy areas that were discussed for priority attention included Housing; Security; and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The Council also discussed planning for first quarter Division Meetings, the annual Economic Outlook Forum (March 9) and Spring Cape Ann Caucus, planned for March 26 for this semi-annual meeting with Cape Ann’s state and local government officials.
The Government Affairs Council leads the Chamber’s focus on economic development and public policy, one of our key platforms. This Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 9 AM, and participation is open to any Chamber member with an interest in being engaged with our state and local government and helping foster a vibrant Cape Ann economy. Currently, those who are part of our monthly meetings include representatives from Cape Ann’s industrial, tourism, government, real estate, legal, non-profit and services sectors. To learn more or join in these meetings, please contact Ken or me. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, featuring a guest speaker who will discuss a large economic development project in Gloucester
Bill Scott
Chair, Government Affairs Council
Scott Energy Company