Cruise Ship_Welcome Sign_Cape Ann
WHO: The ms VEENDAM, a Holland America cruise ship, will be arriving in Gloucester on Sunday, May 4, 2014.
WHAT: Approximately 2,800 passengers will be on board and an estimated 50% have pre-booked tours. The remaining 1,400 vacationers will be shopping, dining, and visiting Gloucester’s and Rockport’s museums, attractions, and cultural districts.
WHEN: Sunday, May 4, 2014 with the first passengers expected on shore at Cruiseport at 9:30AM and in downtown Gloucester by 10:00AM and Rocky Neck and Rockport by 10:30AM
HOW: Please help us welcome this important group to Gloucester and Cape Ann!
At Cruiseport’s entrance there will be eight tables staffed by volunteers with a wide array of local maps and brochures. Two CATA trolleys will be on-hand to transport visitors around downtown Gloucester and a CATA bus will be available to take passengers to Rocky Neck and Rockport.
All other Cape Ann area transportation companies (e.g. taxis, rental car agencies, tour services, etc.) have been alerted to the ship’s arrival and will be available to transport cruise ship passengers to all Cape Ann locations.
Gloucester City Hall will be open and offering special tours all day. Cape Ann Cinema will be offering special screenings.
By welcoming these passengers, you will be help make a positive impression, not only on this ship, but with the whole Holland America cruise line.
Attached is a link to download a “Welcome Veendam Passengers” sign for your business entrance. We encourage everyone to print, post, and share with others. Help make Cape Ann a memorable and fun getaway and build the demand for more cruise ships to visit Gloucester!
If you plan to offer any special promotions, discounts or coupons for passengers please drop them off at Cruiseport on Sunday by 8:30AM.
For more information or if you are interested in volunteering please contact: Peter Webber, Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce,, 978-283-1601