April 21, 2014
Happy hunting for Easter eggs
Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce hosts annual egg hunt
By Times Staff
Gloucester Daily Times
—- — The Easter Bunny didn’t make his rounds until later that night, of course, but dozens of Cape Ann kids got a jump on their Easter candy and prizes Saturday.
The occasion was the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce’s 24th annual Easter Egg Hunt, held on the playground at Rockport Elementary School.
The Chamber’s hunt was not the only one held the day before Easter Sunday — a group of local mothers headed by Shannon Crompton hosted a hunt that featured 4,000 eggs at Memorial Park in Essex.
In Rockport, the hunt gave kids the chance to scoop up eggs that included chocolate and other candies, while others were filled with coupons the kids could trade in for stuffed animals or other prizes.
It was, by all appearances, a day of happy hunting for all.