The Chamber’s Government Affairs Council held its regular monthly meeting on June 14. At their meeting, the Council continued their conversations about worker shortages and housing. The June meeting also included a Chamber update on the Cape Ann Works job matching, transportation and employer support initiative, community updates from Council members, and a summary report presented by Olivia on recent community meetings that she had attended.
Highlights of the council’s July meeting included the scheduling of Division meetings for Ipswich, Rockport, Essex and Manchester-by-the-Sea; a review of Greater Cape Ann Small Business receptions in the five greater Cape Ann communities, and the awards luncheon set for Friday, June 17; and an update on the city of Gloucester’s deliberations on extension of premises for downtown restaurants, effective July 1.
The Government Affairs Council leads the Chamber’s focus on economic development and public policy, one of our key platforms. This Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 9 AM, and participation is open to any Chamber member with an interest in being engaged with our state and local government and helping foster a vibrant Cape Ann economy. Currently, those who are part of our monthly meetings include representatives from greater Cape Ann’s industrial, tourism, government, real estate, legal, non-profit and services sectors. To learn more or join in these meetings, please contact Ken, Olivia, Peter or me. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12.
Bill Scott
Chair, Government Affairs Council
Scott Energy Company