Tourism Council March Meeting Update: Marking a Season of New Beginnings for Cape Ann Visitors
Spring is a season of new beginnings when nature revives and reinvigorates after the winter months, and this describes Cape Ann’s tourism community this time of year. These new beginnings were the focus of the March 15 meeting of the Greater Cape Ann Chamber Tourism Council.
There’s much to look forward to in the months ahead, and the Council members took some time to discuss plans for spring, summer, and fall of 2024. Among the highlights: a new Cape Ann celebration of Pride Month in early June spearheaded by the Chamber and other groups across the region. Watch for more details on this.
Another high point: the Chamber – with strong support from Rockport’s business community – is pleased to announce the return of Motif No.1 Day to Rockport on Saturday, May 18. A celebration of Rockport’s rich arts heritage and the return of spring to Rockport, Motif No.1 Day is named in honor of the famed fishing shack, which for generations has been a favorite subject for painters and photographers. Galleries featuring Rockport artists will be open for a gallery stroll and display their extensive collections, while professional artists from Cape Ann Plein Air will be demonstrating their skills at a variety of locales. Rockport’s restaurants will be featuring their fine fare, and an array of musicians and entertainers will be performing throughout the afternoon. The calendar of activities includes a community Motif No.1 Road Race, EMS Day on T-Wharf, Children’s Art Activities with Art Haven and Rockport Arts Association, live entertainment, a beer garden with Rockport Brewing Company, local vendors, and food trucks. This promises to be a fun event, with activities and great shopping and dining opportunities for visitors and residents alike. All are encouraged to visit the Chamber’s website for calendar and planning updates. Every local business and community organization is welcome and encouraged to participate in and support Motif No.1 Day – please contact the Chamber for further information or to volunteer.
Also coming this spring and summer are efforts around the Cape Ann license plate and the organization that manages the promotion of the plate, the Cape Ann Community Foundation. The license plate not only helps to remind everyone – including returning and new visitors – of all that Cape Ann has to offer; the Foundation uses proceeds from the sale of the plates to fund important local non-profit groups and initiatives. The annual Low-Number Cape Ann License Plate Online Auction will take place on April 8-15, and grant proposals will be accepted throughout the month of April. The Foundation is planning an event to focus attention on these efforts and the dozens of organizations supported by plate sales over the years. Visit the website to learn more about all of this.
The Council also looked ahead to tourism opportunities in the spring, summer and fall of 2024 – and beyond. All of this will be the focus of the annual Spring Tourism Mixer, which will be held in May this year. This will again be an opportunity for the entire tourism community to share updates and future plans with everyone interested in Cape Ann’s visitor-based economy.
Finally, as we typically do, the Council looked back on recent tourism happenings, including a busy winter and early spring, marked by Gloucester So Salty, Gloucester So Schweet and events and activities around holidays early in the year.
We’ll talk about all this and more in our next monthly meeting, on April 19 – and we’ll continue to spotlight members of the tourism community. Coming up in April: updates from Maritime Gloucester and the organizers of Ipswich’s D-Day commemoration in June.
We invite anyone who is involved in or has an interest in Cape Ann’s visitor-based economy to join us in April or for future meetings. We gather on the third Friday of each month at the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce offices — and via Zoom. If you’d like to be part of these discussions, please reach out to me or contact the Chamber staff.
Tony Sapienza
Co-owner, Blue Shutters Beachside Inn
Chair, Tourism Council