March GCACC Update from Caitlin & Ken
March is a Time to Make Connections and a Difference in the Community
Welcome to March – the winter holidays are behind us, and while it’s been a bit of a roller coaster in February, spring is on the way and the days are brightening. Speaking of which, COVID cases are down drastically, and mask mandates are now removed in all our communities, giving us great expectations for a fantastic 2022!
No matter what the weather, the Chamber had a remarkably busy February supporting our members through the latest surge and the dark days of winter. Our fun and informative Coffee & Connections continue to be held on Zoom the first Thursday of every month, with more than 30 people participating in February; we led several new business Ribbon Cuttings; and we are officially back networking in-person with a terrific event at the Rocky Neck Cultural Center. We are also gearing up to begin an extension to our Regional Grant work that will provide additional support for all Greater Cape Ann businesses, training seminars, and enhancements to the online business directory where we encourage everyone to post your hours and business information.
Our dynamic programming is in full swing in March with many important events. We kick off the month with our annual Economic Outlook Forum on March 1, featuring housing expert and award-winning realtor Cynthia Nina-Soto who will be discussing the critical topic of housing availability. The is followed the next week with our first major event of the year, our Annual Celebration, especially exciting this year as we celebrate turning 100 Years Young. Two days later it is onto our now sold-out Winter Birding excursion to Stellwagen Bank. Then, the next week on March 17, we hold our Irish Sweepstakes raffle, where we’ll give away $20,000 in cash prizes – including a top prize of $10,000! We are back in-person this year, and for the first time in Ipswich, at the Mansion at the Hellenic Center. Please note that if you have a ticket and plan to attend you must register with the Chamber, as capacity is limited. And that’s not all – March also includes our Q1 Community Division Meetings; Coffee & Connections and Business After Hours networking events; the spring Greater Cape Ann Caucus with state and local elected officials, education and business leaders; and several more Ribbon Cuttings – we can’t wait!
Oh, and one more IMPORTANT thing – our affiliated Cape Ann Community Foundation is pleased to announce their annual Low-Number Cape Ann License Plate Online Auction, from March 21 through March 28. The Foundation has provided Cape Ann nonprofits and schools with more than $70,000 over the past five years through the proceeds from the sale of Cape Ann license plate. Please support our Cape and purchase a fun low # plate, registration link is here:
We cover all of this and more in our March Love Cape Ann podcast – check it out here.
With these events and programs, the Chamber offers you many ways to make connections – and with more than a dozen working committees, you can also make a difference in the community. Please keep in mind the many ways that we support you including promotional social media opportunities and our websites, weekly e-newsletter, and many advertising and sponsorships opportunities. USE US – we are here for you!
Our work in March is a wonderful example of the many ways the Greater Cape Ann Chamber and our vibrant business community play an important role in what makes this area a special place to live, work and play.
We are in this together.