December 3, 2024
Ron Elkin
Computer Doctor
Mailing address: PO Box 771, Rowley MA

How many years have you been in business as a solopreneur? 30 years
How many years have you been a Chamber Member? 20 years (in 2 chambers)
Please provide a brief description of what your business is all about. We provide on-site and offsite technology support services for PC Apple and Android devices including peripherals.
What enticed you to start a solopreneur business? I started the company while having a corporate job, helping individuals and businesses solve technology issues then went out on my own.
What is “the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” of working on your own?
- The Good: I love the freedom, having access to resources.
Why are you a Chamber member? The Chamber allows me and my business to be visible to all of its members and to share our experiences as needed.
What advice would you give others looking to take the leap into “solopreneurship?” To be prepared for both the financial and resource impacts through your day-to-day life.
Where do you see your business going in the future? Maintaining a successful business.
Want to learn more about the Computer Doctor? Check out “The Bits & Bytes of the Computer Doctor,” the Cape Ann Conversations podcast where Ron discusses how he got started and how he can help with your technology needs.

For consideration to have your solopreneur business profiled, please fill out the form at . After your form is received and we confirm that you are a Chamber member in good standing and your business meets the criteria of a solopreneur, we will send a detailed interview questionnaire for timely completion.