The Government Affairs Council since April has held its monthly meetings via Zoom. Although the Spring Cape Ann Caucus originally scheduled for March 27 had to be postponed, the Chamber recently hosted our Cape Ann legislators for a Beacon Hill update as part of our Business Check-In and Information Sharing meeting.
At the Council’s most recent meeting on July 14, Ken gave an update on the EntrepreneurSHIP initiative, including the Cape Ann Innovators Collaborative and the North Shore Blue Economy phase 1 study. Cape Ann Small Business Week, usually celebrated the first week in June, will be rescheduled for the fall, in conjunction with the SBA’s national Small Business Week.
Annual Town Meetings have been held in Essex and Manchester-by-the-Sea, and Rockport’s rescheduled Town Meeting will take place this Saturday, August 8 with a pared-down warrant.
Chamber staff members have been actively engaged in Cape Ann’s Reopening Advisory Groups in Rockport and Gloucester, and the Chamber has held Division Meetings in Essex and Manchester-by-the-Sea.
The Government Affairs Council leads the Chamber’s focus on economic development and public policy, one of our key platforms. This Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 9 AM, and participation is open to any Chamber member with an interest in being engaged with our state and local government and helping foster a vibrant Cape Ann economy. Currently, those who are part of our monthly meetings include representatives from Cape Ann’s industrial, tourism, government, real estate, legal, non-profit and services sectors.
To learn more or join in these meetings, please contact Ken or me. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 11 via Zoom.
Bill Scott
Chair, Government Affairs Council
Scott Energy Company