Michael Mulkern, Director of Sales, Cape Ann Blends LLC
Did you know? Mental illness is more common in women than men but men are less likely to get treatment or a diagnosis for mental illness because of the stigma behind it. About 1 in 10 men suffer from anxiety and/or depression but less than half them get treatment for it (“ADAA”). Due to men not seeking treatment because of the stigmas behind mental illness, men are about 4 times more likely to die from suicide than women. 70% of all suicides are men (“American Foundation”). Not only do men tend to suffer in silence with depression and anxiety but they are also more likely to use alcohol as a way to cope. Men find it hard to ask for help so they are almost 2 times more likely to drink heavily than women and are 3 times more likely to die from alcohol abuse (“A Critical Look”). We need to change the stigma behind mental health and start encouraging men to take control of their mental health.
How can we help men start taking control of their mental health? We need to start encouraging men to talk openly about their feelings instead of telling men to “man up”. Men and women need to act as good listeners to men when they talk about their feelings and offer support rather than judgement. This is really important when trying to break the stigmas behind men’s mental health. Being able to openly express feelings will allow men not to bottle up their feelings until they hit their breaking point. Being active helps your mind stay in a positive place. Men who do not stay active are 60% more likely to suffer from mental illness (“4 Ways”). Even taking a short walk everyday can make all the difference in your mental health. Taking time for yourself and to relax is important for your mental health. Find something that is relaxing to you, whether that is meditating, reading a book, enjoying the outdoors etc., and make sure you do that every day. And lastly, get help! Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Asking for help is actually a sign of strength.
Here at Cape Ann Botanicals and Cape Ann Cannabis we are always here to help. We have seen thousands of customers get relief from anxiety and depression in our 5 years of operating our retail stores. We are proudly known for offering alternative therapies and education to our local community. Cannabidiol (CBD), is one of the non-psychoactive compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant. CBD works on cell receptors known as the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system helps regulate all of the physiological systems in the body. In 2018, hemp-derived CBD was made federally legal under the Farm Bill, giving Americans access to its benefits. Trying a CBD product as well as other natural treatments may help men with various types of mental illnesses.
ADAA- Anxiety & Depression Association of America. https://adaa.org/find-help/by-demographics/mens-mental-health
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, https://afsp.org/story/men-s-mental-health-month-six-mental-health-tips-for-the-dudes-in-your-life?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw04yjBhApEiwAJcvNoWJtMxc-H0fidXiKNyJry7WaHkxRff5HHMBfMpgrtC2UN4l771ls2BoCapkQAvD_BwE
“A Critical Look at Men’s Mental Health,” Mind Wise Innovations. https://www.mindwise.org/blog/mental-health/a-critical-look-at-mens-mental-health/
“4 Ways to improve men’s mental health,” Connect Health & Community. https://connecthealth.org.au/enews/4-ways-to-improve-men-s-mental-health/