At the Council’s most recent meeting on September 15, Ken gave an update on the Chamber operations, including the move to the Chamber’s new location at 24 Harbor Loop and the grand opening celebration on August 28. Michele French updated the Council on continuing conversations among Essex town officials and the Essex Merchants Group and the Essex Division regarding a new revised application process for businesses to obtain permits for outdoor entertainment, as well as the restriction of the Essex town landing to resident-only use.
There was continued discussion of Cape Ann Small Business Week, usually celebrated the first week in June with the honoring of Small Business Persons of the Year from each community. The SBA has designated September 22- 25 as Small Business Week nationally. After discussion, the Council consensus was to recommend to the Board of Directors that the Chamber designate September 21-25 as Cape Ann Small Business Week, celebrating the creativity, compassion and resilience of all Cape Ann small businesses.
Ken gave an overview of the request from Backyard Growers for the Chamber to be a partner in their proposed grant application under the Essex County Community Foundation’s Creative County Initiative. After review and discussion, the Council voted to recommend approval of this request to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
The Council also selected the date of Friday, October 23 for the Fall Cape Ann Caucus, to be held via Zoom.
The Government Affairs Council leads the Chamber’s focus on economic development and public policy, one of our key platforms. This Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 9 AM, and participation is open to any Chamber member with an interest in being engaged with our state and local government and helping foster a vibrant Cape Ann economy. Currently, those who are part of our monthly meetings include representatives from Cape Ann’s industrial, tourism, government, real estate, legal, non-profit and services sectors. To learn more or join in these meetings, please contact Ken or me. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13. Bill Scott Chair, Government Affairs Council Scott Energy Company