The fall has always been a special time for Cape Ann’s tourism community, and despite this year’s unique challenges, that is true in 2020. The Chamber’s Tourism Council discussions in October were a reflection of this
At our October 16 meeting, we talked not about community events, the usual tourism industry gatherings at a local bar or restaurant, and plans for annual holiday celebrations – instead, we again went virtual and shared COVID experiences from summer 2020, discussed alternative plans for the holiday season, and looked further out to 2021. We reviewed the latest pandemic reports and received a preview of the latest rooms and meals tax totals that gave us a sense of tourism business trends across Cape Ann. We recapped the information passed along at the October 14 Roundtable Roundup organized with Discover Gloucester and the town of Rockport (online, of course). We also discussed Winter Lights, a new seasonal project aimed at decorating Cape Ann during the winter months. And finally, we brainstormed ideas for the 2021.
In our upcoming meeting, we will continue these conversations on dealing with the pandemic, on holiday and winter initiatives, and on 2021 planning. Those involved or interested in our visitor-based economy are welcome to join us for our November 20 virtual meeting.
And as always, if you have questions or comments on the Tourism Council or anything discussed here, please email me:
Thank you,
Tony Sapienza
Co-owner, Blue Shutters Beachside Inn
President, Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce 2020 Board
Chair, Tourism Council